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public funds 〔英國〕公債。

public health

A brawl breaks out in the nigerian parliament amid a debate over the speaker ' s alleged misuse of public funds 一次爭吵在針對公眾基金的說者涉嫌誤用的辯論之中在奈及利亞人國會爆發。

University research on it has been a major beneficiary of public funding for research and development 大學所進行的資訊科技研究,一直是政府對研究及發展工作資助的主要受惠者。

Investment funds can be divided into private funds and public funds in accordance with the mode of offering 私募基金是投資基金按募集方式劃分的與公募基金相對應的一類基金。

Child tax credit and working tax credit will become public funds shortly after the publication of this guidance 小孩返稅和工作返稅在這指導的公布之后不久將成為公共的資金。

The person must be in a position to support his or her family members without recourse to public funds 邀請人必須有能力支付其家庭成員的生活費用而不必借助公共基金。

The scheme is non - means tested . payments under the scheme are to be made from public funds . 2 此項計劃的受助人無須接受經濟狀況調查,賠償款項由公帑支付。

The guilty of misappropriation public funds is a popular crime of the “ state functionaries “ at present 挪用公款罪是目前多發性的國家工作人員職務犯罪。

The government has made it clear that no public funding will be provided to establish new colleges 成立新書院的資源也需另行籌集,因為政府不會就此撥款。

The crime of misappropriating the public funds is a serious finacial crime , which happens frequently 挪用公款罪作為嚴重的經濟犯罪,在現階段屢屢發生。

And , as investment manager of public funds , we respect it and we need to respond to it 不過作為公帑的投資經理,我們會尊重這個意見,亦應就此作出回應。

No broadcasting institution , however independent its content , should receive public funding 廣播電臺,無論其內容獨立程度如何,都不應接受政府資助。

No broadcasting institution , however independent its content , should receive public funding 無論內容怎么獨立,任何傳播機構都不應該使用公共基金。

First , the proxy of housing public fund will be extended to all state - owned commercial banks 第一,把住房公積金代理業務擴大到所有國有商業銀行。

Orientation of quot; using by oneself quot; and its concrete use in the crime of misappropriating public funds 及其具體用途在挪用公款罪中的定位

These and future initiatives will receive public funding support where justified 如有充分理據支持,上述及其他未來計劃將會獲得政府撥款資助。

Prosecutors also are investigating the president for the alleged misuse of public funds 檢方人員還在就總統濫用國務機要費的指稱進行調查。

But for the massive injection of public funds , the company would have gone bankrupt earlier 要不是大量注入公積金,這家公司可能早就倒閉了

On three difficult questions about the condemnation of crimes of misappropriation of public funds 談談挪用公款罪適用中的三個疑難問題

So , with the private sector waiting on the sidelines , public funding becomes key 所以,由于私人部門不參與使得公共投資變得很重要。